Every adventure requires preparation. Before you decide to book an activity, please read through the restrictions and get acquainted with the advice given by our experts.
If you want to participate in our activities, you must be aware of some restrictions: the minimum age of participants is 15 years for programmes involving firearms, 12 years for diving activities and 8 years for all other programmes. Persons under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult who shall sign the liability waiver on their behalf.
For safety reasons, pregnant women and people with health-related restrictions are discouraged from participation in most activities. If you have health-related restrictions, consult a physician beforehand.
You will also need at least a moderate fitness level to enjoy our activities to the fullest. If you can easily climb up a ladder, jump and do some squats, you won’t have any problems and will have a lot of fun.
What type of clothing to choose?
Choose clothing appropriate for the activities you will take part in. Since most of them are carried out outdoors in nature, we suggest you opt for hiking attire. We strongly discourage skirts, high heels, sandals or slippers and similar otherwise comfortable clothing and footwear, which are, however, unfortunately not appropriate for our activities. All other equipment is provided by our team.
Is Lynx Pro Adventure the right choice for you?
Because we want you to thoroughly enjoy our adventures, it is necessary to prepare for them properly. We want our courses to be the experience of your lifetime and will strive to remove any and all obstacles in your way. That is why our team of experts will advise you and share all their experience with you.
Signing a liability waiver
Regardless of which of our activities you participate in, you will need to sign a liability waiver beforehand. See the attached pdf file for details.